President's Message


Greetings OAEA Members!

I am extremely happy to be the new president of the Old Antarctic Explorers Association OAEA! I became aware of the organization while working out of the Antarctic Support Contract ASC office in Centennial Colorado. I was preparing for my first deployment to the South Pole as the Winter Site Manager and saw a copy of the OAEA Gazette on a table in the lobby. While I was quite aware of the heroics of the early Antarctic explorers such as Amundsen, Scott and Shackleton, I did not know much about the various US Naval and scientific personnel that had been assigned there. In reading the Gazette I was immediately struck by the incredible fellowship and camaraderie that was shared between all that had participated.

I did some research and after my first winter at Pole joined the organization and was able to attend the OAEA Reunion in San Antonio Texas. At the reunion I was incredibly impressed by the members I met and the stories I heard. Truly remarkable people with stories that should live forever. I have worked all over the globe as a defense contractor and one of the things I took most seriously was to respect history and honor those that have gone before us. This is my primary reason for stepping up to the OAEA president’s job.

The core of our organization is aging as most of our initial members who participated in the early Operation Deep Freeze events are getting up in years. These people are the ones that are making things happen, the membership, Gazette, Reunions, Ships Store etc. Decreasing active membership has been a concern of mine and I see a need to reach out and increase our membership from all people that qualify AND ask the new members to consider stepping up and taking active roles. I’ll be working with our Board of Directors (BoD) and interested parties on this issue.

I want to thank our BoD and membership in advance for assisting me in future endeavors. I never go into anything overconfident and will need some help here. My goal is to do my best to keep the organization vibrant, meaningful and fun. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Wayne

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