Donations-Levels, Links, and Information

 Updated 1/2/2025

The OAEA supports itself and its programs by donations.  The following people and groups have donated over the years to receive some recognition by assignment to Antarctic themed "club levels". (You can read more here about the club levels and what they represent).

Legend with name: (N) is new entry in the Penguin club levels; and the plus sign (+) is movement from a lower Penguin club level to a higher Penguin club level.

OAEA Communicators Group
(N) Dryfoose, Buz & Sam (both deceased)
EMPEROR CLUB LEVEL $5000 TO $9999.99
Baker, Billy-Ace P. (deceased)
Crowe, Billy & Kathlyn
OAEA New England Chapter
2006 OAEA Reunion Committee
2008 OAEA Reunion Committee
2014 OAEA Reunion Committee
2016 OAEA Reunion Committee
Abbott, Leslie
Biery, Roger (deceased)
Conner, Robert
(+) Cooke, Michelle
Hamblin, Edwin & Linda
Jones, Brenda
McCabe, Robert
(+) OAEA Gulf Coast Group Chapter
Oona, Henn
Orr, Barbara
Peterson, Dave (deceased)
Peterson, Judith
(+) Rouzer, William
Splain, Vincent F. (deceased)
VX/VXE-6 Para-Rescue Team
Bernstein, Wendy
Buehler, Cyril (deceased)
Cordes, Fauno (deceased)
(+) DeWald, Bruce
Dunn, Thomas
Hames, Edward
Herman, Andrew “Tony” (deceased)
Holloway, Phil
(+) Lackey, Larry
(+) Nelson, Grant
(+) Northrup, David
Reed, Dale
Reynolds, Paula
Soulia, George (deceased)
2010 Memory Book DonorsEverett, Richard (deceased)Miller, Bradford
2018 Memory Book DonorsFazio, Bill (deceased)Morton, John E. (deceased)
(N) 2024 OAEA Reunion Flesner, Harold (deceased)Mourlas, James
Ainley, DavidGerrish, SamuelMull, William (deceased)
(N) Aldridge, JamesGibbs, Maurice “Mo” (deceased)Munson, Evelyn (deceased)
Allerding, JohnGillens, SarahNero, Leonard L.
Aucoin, Joseph & DonnaGiro, John J. & Mary (both deceased)Norwood, Ray
Baker, Ashlee F.Golden, JamesOAEA Southern California Group
Baker, Jamie (deceased)Grass, Donna M. (deceased)O’Donnell, William (deceased)
Baker, SeanGrimes, PaulOliver, Donna
Baker, Tracey(N) Grinder, HarryOlsen Don (deceased)
Barnard, Richard (deceased)Gustin, Jerry & KarenO’Neal, Jerry
Berube, RobertHall, Richard M.Owler, Robert (deceased)
Bethea, Joe (deceased)Halpern, BarryPainter, Dewey
Bevilacqua, Charles (deceased)Hames, Winters (deceased)Panehal, Paul “PK”
Blankenship, JohnHand, Ernest (deceased)Perlitsh, Max
Bolt, Ron L. (deceased)Harmon, CharlesPesce, Victor
Bourgeois, Lennie (deceased)Hartford, Charles (deceased)Phillips, Elmer F. (deceased)
Boyer, Robert E. (deceased)Hartman, Janet(N) Prickett, Charles
Bracken, Harold (deceased)Hartman, SusanPriddle, Harlan
Brow, GailHayden, DennisRogers, Wayne
Brow, Robert (deceased)Hendry, John (deceased)Schaefer. Herbert
Brown, RodgerHenley, Elizabeth (deceased)Schleining, Gerald
Brown, TonyHenley, Joseph (deceased)Schmidt, David
(N) Buettner, RobertHenry, Kenneth “Pig Pen”(N) Schroder, Julia
Bush, Carl (deceased)Herr, Arthur (deceased)Smith, Herschel (deceased)
Cabrera, Quirino (deceased)Hickey, John (deceased)Smith, Walter (deceased)
Capozzoli, Albert A. (deceased)Higdon, John C.Snow, Laura
(N) Chase, MichaelHood, ElaineSnyder, Mary Margaret (deceased)
Clough, JohnJakulewicz, CharlesSpaulding, Richard (deceased)
Cockrill, DaleJernigan, LauraSpencer, Erwin J. (deceased)
Conklin, Harold (deceased)Johnson, Robert R. “Boats” (deceased)Startz, Donna
Cornwell, Jim (deceased)Judd, Robert C.Tamplet, Walter (deceased)
Cox, LynneKees Billy W.Taylor, William C. (deceased)
Cunningham, Clair (deceased)King, Cheryl(N)Thrivent (Non-profit benefactor)
Damvelt, KarenKonrad, Bradley, N.Tobey, Susan
Dever, John & DawnKonrad, KerryToney, Phillip
Dieckhoff, CharlotteKonrad, Robert D.Trimpi, Michael
Diller, Marty & BevKonrad, Robert K.Van Reeth, Gene (deceased)
Dostal, W. A. (deceased)Lahtinen, PeterVerba, Sheila & Cheryl
Draughon, JohnnieLandy, James & Pam (both deceased)(N) Volner, Jim & Barbara
Durham, JamesLenkey, JohnWalsh, Mike (deceased)
Eblen, RuthLindberg, Arthur E. (deceased)Werner, Alexander (deceased)
Ellena, EugeneLivermore, GeraldWhitehead, Eugene
Emick, JohnLoper, Gene (deceased)Wick, Howard
Epperly, Robert M. (deceased)Markisenis, RonaldYow, Maxine (deceased)
Evans, CarlMcGraw, TheresaZinser, Richard (deceased)

Want to be a donor and get on the recognition list?  Check out the new online donation functionality on our OAEA website which makes it very easy to do. Yes, donations can still be taken with downloaded donation form and accompanying check, but this online capability smooths the more form downloads (unless you prefer to do business that way), no mailing required...just do it.  And a gentle reminder that donations are welcome in all sizes.

And finally, if you are of the age where you have to take mandatory annual withdrawals from IRAs for taxes, it could be beneficial for you to make donation direct from the financial institution direct to the OAEA, and not have to pay income taxes on the donated amount.  Read more about it.